Monday, January 13, 2020

The chase

Here we are, folks, at the scene of crime, following along with a high-speed chase, as a man about 20, with his furry dog, has been cornered by the police at downington alley, after robbing the bank.“Get up and get your hands on the vehicle!” the police are shouting, guns pointed at the man. The man is slowly complying, and i out of the vehicle. Then, the dog pops out of the sunroof. What’s that in his mouth!? A harmonica! The dog is starting to play the instrument and has the men slowly climbing up Roger building. The criminals are escaping! NO! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ruben,
    I enjoyed reading your story. Well done.
    I liked how you wrote it as a News Reporter's account.
    The dog playing the harmonica made me laugh.
    Good work this week.

    Mrs Boyce (Team 100WC)
